Understanding Strategic Alliances Between Corporates and Start-ups
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ); The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs

How can we assist corporates supporting startups in India?

With the aim of supporting startups, Athena studied successful models of corporate engagement with startups and social enterprises. It firstly analyzed case studies of successful engagements and failures across sectors/support types. After this, it identified key drivers, critical enablers of cooperation and understanding of how learnings could be ported to other models. To ensure holistic assessment, Athena's analysis used its unique E3C (Enhanced Evaluation of Effective Change) Model of assessment/evaluation. In addition to Structural Drivers, it looks at Theory of Change, Model of Change and Cognitive Change. It also presented recommendations to bridge the shortfall in strategic and financial support to start-ups and Small and Growing Business (SGBs). Athena finally presented these recommendations in a handbook to corporates, thereby assisting them in choosing their business and operating model.