Mithra Vasudevan Promotes EquiServe During WOPs Congress Workshop
Jonathan McGrath

Athena Infonomics' Mithra Vasudevan traveled to Bonn, Germany for the 5th Global WOPs Congress, where she convened with the ESAWAS Regulators Association and the Faecal Sludge Management Alliance for a special workshop. Entitled “Tools to Support Utilities Design and Operationalize Safe, Inclusive, and Sustainable Service Models in Sanitation,” the workshop will showcase tools such as EquiServe and the Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) Toolbox.

This collection of tools is designed to enable end-to-end assessments and planning-in-advancing service goals for cities, shifting mental models in planning by focusing on the sanitation market system, detailing service gaps, and building insights and evidence for interventions that help organize markets to be more efficient and pro-poor.